Tag Archives: Distress

Distress or Test?


A commonly forgotten sin is to despair or to have sorrow over what one cannot control.

What may appear as a source of distress, can also be viewed as a test; a test of one’s faith and determination, a test of relationships. It also builds an opportunity for new growth.

Life flows at its own sweet pace. Just as the cold winter poses a threat for foliage of plants, a healthy and strong plant will stand its test and tide through it, to bloom far richer and in full glory, thanks to its strong roots.

Problems often come not to create trouble, but to help us see the depth of our faith. I have found it greatly empowering to view distress/threat as simply a test. It lends a higher and more peaceful perspective on problems, enabling one to see that our daily obstacles aren’t even tenth as big as they may seem!

A more creative and optimistic approach to facing our fears might be by seeing them not as impassable obstacles, but simply fun challenges, soon to be overcome! When dealt with unwavering determination and faith, they will only serve to strengthen the foundations of our beliefs and color our life with even deeper shades of joy 🙂

Stay Glad and Grateful!
